Cardarine: Dosage, Benefits, and Side Effects

Cardarine is a synthesized compound that has caught the attention of fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and athletes due to its various benefits. This compound is synthesized to mimic the selective action of SARMs but does not outrightly belong to the group.

Cardarine works as a PPAR-delta receptor agonist that activates the pathway to increase the rate of metabolism while lowering blood lipid levels. The action provides the body with several benefits, particularly in the aspect of athletic performance and building up muscle mass. Below is everything you need to know about Cardarine, including dosage, benefits, and potential side effects.

Cardarine Dosage

Like other SARMs and compounds of pharmaceutical significance, cardarine dosage is vital to achieving optimal results, ensuring safety, and minimizing side effects. The dosage can vary slightly based on gender, intended results, and experience level.
Athletes and bodybuilders can take up to 10-20mg of cardarine per day for 6 to 12 weeks. Newbies can take a lowered dosage between 5 to 10 mg daily for the same period. However, it is not advisable to shoot beyond the 20mg dosage regardless of the experience level or intended results.
Since the half-life of cardarine is about 16 hours, the dosage can be split into equal halves and taken twice a day for the cycle length.

Benefits of Cardarine

Cardarine is fast becoming increasingly popular beyond clinical use due to its immense benefits for fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and bodybuilders. Below are some of the most notable benefits of cardarine.

1. Accelerates Fat Burning

Cardarine is a super-effective compound for burning body fat by acting on the PPAR-delta pathway to activate a large group of genes responsible for fat burning. It also contains potent thermogenic compounds that enhance rapid fat loss.

2. Improved Strength, Stamina, and Endurance

Cardarine caught the attention of athletes and bodybuilders for its ability to boost strength, stamina, and endurance during intense workouts or other physical exercises. It explores its agonist effect on a PPAR-delta pathway to increase general body strength. It alters the way the body metabolizes glucose to produce more strength and improve body stamina.

3. Improve Cardiovascular Functioning

Cardarine prevents arterial damage, improves blood flow, and enhances the overall performance of the circulatory system. It mitigates the damage caused by oxidation and increases the amount of nitric oxide present in the blood, which in turn helps relax the vessels and prevents atherosclerosis.

Other notable benefits include:

  • Reduce inflammation and enhance recovery
  • Promote weight loss
  • Effective for diabetes management
  • Lipid regulation and fat lipid control
  • Lean muscle development

Side Effects of Cardarine

As much as cardarine offers various benefits, it also comes with notable side effects that include:

  • Possible liver toxicity
  • Disruption of normal sleep pattern
  • Diarrhea and nausea
  • Instances of anxiety and irritability
  • Cancer risks
  • Occasional occurrence of headaches and dizziness


Cardarine is a synthetic compound initially designed to handle various clinical conditions. However, it caught the attention of fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and athletes due to its overall benefits. As much as cardarine is effective for various uses, it has side effects that you should watch out for. Nevertheless, using high-quality products from a reliable source in appropriate dosage will mitigate these side effects. Also, it is essential to understand the legal status of cardarine in your area as it is a banned substance in some regions.